Friday 17 April 2020

Life in general

I mentioned over on my Blessed Honeycombs page what is happening in our country and indeed all over the world with Covid19 the spread of the Corona virus.
Our country is in lockdown, shops are closed apart from supermarkets. There is social distancing and we are allowed out of our homes only once a day for exercise and essential shopping. There are queues at the supermarket with a 2 mtr distance from the person in front of you and only 5 or so people are allowed in at a time.

I've had a bit of an emotional week this week. No idea why but it started after the country came together and clapped for our NHS workers. My son is a paramedic and my daughter in law is a nurse. It was such an emotional time and I have to admit I cried as I stood on my doorstep applauding the wonderful work they all do but for the rest of the week and this week I have been tearful. Slightest thing sets me off, even my one bit of exercise walking round the local park. It was so very very quiet but beautiful. I think spring is my most favourite time of the year. I love to see the buds appearing on the trees and the flowers blossoming, so beautiful.
I have a new phone and can't fathom out how to post a picture. When I do I'll share some.

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