Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Another late night

It's another late night for me, I've just been writing my bloggy bit for the KJV site as it was due at the weekend and I'd not written anything, but that done I'm here to say well what a thunder storm we had last night. I wasn't in the cupboard like my mam is when we have a storm but I do close the curtains and just sit quietly, I don't like to watch the lightning and I don't like the noise of the thunder but nor do I like the TV on so I do hear it all and boy was it loud last night and monsoon season had come I think - or maybe my son had been doing his rain dance again as it was mentioned he was coming to do the garden.
What have I been up to this past week, not a lot really as work takes over at this time of year and I'm just flat out getting things organised for the new intake of pupils in September. I'm just about ready for the summer break but if it was tomorrow I'd still have lots of work to do so maybe couple more weeks will see an end to it and I can relax.

Tom was asking to come over to stay last weekend, he'd been given a little suitcase with wheels on and wanted to pack it so he could come on holiday. Marc was bringing him over but unfortunately the exhaust fell off his car when he was at the end of the street. He had to go back home, forgot about the exhaust, tried to reverse onto the drive, hit the curb with the exhaust and well lets just say he was not a happy man. Poor Tom was crying so I went over there but by then he was too tired so I just took him up to bed and read him a story. Sam went out for a couple of hours with Ben to a church meal so I stayed and looked after Olivia and Marc went off to work in Sam's car. Oh we do have fun.

I am now off to the land of nod as it is really, really late. If you're reading this nenna, maybe I'll get a comment now that lil sis has showed you what to do.

Night and God Bless

Thursday, 18 June 2009


I've just been reading a fellow bloggers writing on how she's losing weight. I'm thinking this is something I must do too. Now that I have 3 grandchildren I need to be fit to play with them and at the moment I'm just so full of aches and pains. My one shoulder and arm hurts such a lot, I'm waiting to go for physio which may take up to 10 weeks for the appointment so I'm thinking a bit of exercise may work, nothing too strenuous mind you maybe start with doing more walking. I most definitely need to diet - or is that the wrong word - maybe I just need to eat more healthy, if I do that then surely the weight will come off too. So that's my new days resolution, more salads and veg and not as much biscuits and sweets.
I'll let you know how I get on.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009


I always seem to be blogging when it's the early hours of the morning but it's been a busy couple of weeks when I've been doing a couple of evening courses, been to church or been babysitting. This seems to be the only quiet time I get when I can put the thinking cap and and spend a few minutes just putting a few words together. My sister Nenna is over in Texas with my sister Niecy at the moment so in case they get a chance to drop by (although I'm sure you'll have better things to do than sit at a computer) Hi Sis's hope you're enjoying your visit - wish I was with you but love you lots, hugs xx.

Thought I'd share this pic tonight and I'll probably put it on my simple daybook one too if I get chance to catch up with it. It was taken when we went up to see mam. There's four generations on this photo. Doesn't mam look good for her age, she'll be 84 this year.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

What a night!

I was babysitting last night as it's ages since Marc and Sam went out together, and what a night it was. Olivia was very unsettled, she's such a nosy baby and thinks she's going to miss something and she just doesn't sleep, she doesn't cry too much but loves to look around and be held. Tom isn't well and I had to give him his inhaler a couple of times last night. It is very difficult when you have a few weeks old baby crying and a 2 year old. At one point I was trying to hold both of them but in the end brought Tom downstairs, he seemed able to breath better when he was sitting up. Marc has taken him to hospital this morning as his breathing is very bad, they've admitted him and I'm just waiting for news. Sis's if you're reading this please pray for him and anyone else reading too please. Sam has been up all night so she's going to try and get some sleep when Ben has gone to school and hopefully Olivia will have a sleep too.