Tuesday 16 June 2009


I always seem to be blogging when it's the early hours of the morning but it's been a busy couple of weeks when I've been doing a couple of evening courses, been to church or been babysitting. This seems to be the only quiet time I get when I can put the thinking cap and and spend a few minutes just putting a few words together. My sister Nenna is over in Texas with my sister Niecy at the moment so in case they get a chance to drop by (although I'm sure you'll have better things to do than sit at a computer) Hi Sis's hope you're enjoying your visit - wish I was with you but love you lots, hugs xx.

Thought I'd share this pic tonight and I'll probably put it on my simple daybook one too if I get chance to catch up with it. It was taken when we went up to see mam. There's four generations on this photo. Doesn't mam look good for her age, she'll be 84 this year.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Hi sis, just sitting here showing Nenna how to leave a comment on my blog, then we popped over to your blog to see if you've updated. Love the pic of you all with baby Olivia and Mam :-)
Hope Tom is feeling better now, keep in touch and email me or get on facebook so I can get regular updates!
Love you, and wish you were here.
LS & Nenna