Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Too tired to sleep

Well it's almost 2 in the morning here in England and I can't sleep, too much going on in my head so thought I'd do a bit of blogging. It is nearly the end of the school term and as I work in a school I can't wait for Friday. I have too much to do being the school secretary and not enough time to do it; probably one reason my head is full of putting in order what it is I need to do. I also have another cold which could be hayfever and I'm just keep sneezing and feel yeuk. I probably should just give it all over to the Lord as I know he will help me order my thoughts.

I'm going home to see my mam and family on Saturday for a couple of weeks. It will be lovely to see everyone and even lovelier just relaxing. Marc and Sam are coming up for a couple of days with the children so it will be nice. Just hope the sun shines as it's forecast rain.

Hopefully I'll have more pics I can put on my blog when I get back.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Meet the family

Someone commented on one of my posts that they hoped I'd blog more then they would get to know me better - so thank you Judy you set me thinking - hard work this thinking lark early on a Sunday morning but anyway I am so blessed to come from such a wonderful family and while we may not see each other as often as we'd like as the miles separate us we still love each other so come on in and meet my beautiful family ...

This beautiful lady is my mam. The picture was taken a while ago at a family wedding but she is still as beautiful today. She still lives on her own and after a life saving operation earlier this year, at 84 she is just amazing and is the kindest and sweetest person you could meet.

Mam has brought up 6 children and whilst we were never rich in material things we were rich in that we had 2 wonderful parents. Sadly my dad died some 12 years ago now and we all still miss him very much, mam especially. He was such an inspiration to me, my hero.

Here's our Bren or Nenna as we call her. She is golden. Like me she has grandchildren and is forever looking after them but we wouldn't have it any other way. I'm the oldest so she's my younger sis, we had our moments arguing and fighting when we were younger but we have always stayed friends and I love her dearly.

It's always lovely going up home cos we get to spend some time together and whilst I'm not a great shopper like our Bren and my youngest sis it is great to just get together and go out for a meal or to her house just to natter. And we can talk forever us girls.

This is our Ed, he's the oldest of my 3 brothers and another one who would do anything for you. Our Ed is the one who when he was younger was the toughy but underneath, soft as a kitten.

I remember when mam had an accident (she electricuted herself on the vacuum cleaner - it has stopped working and she unplugged it from the back of the vacuum but the plug was still in the socket at the wall. She used a knife to unscrew a screw and ... not the brightest thing to do but she was rushed to hospital. I'd been called from work and someone was relaying the story to me. Just as they got to the part where they said 'she's gone' meaning she'd gone to hospital, our Ed (probably about 11 at the time) came in and heard it and thought they meant mam had died. He broke his heart and it took ages to console him.

Next our Mike - the most placid of childrenI know when he was younger, takes after mam I think as she has the patience of a saint. He has been great at helping mam around the house when he was staying with her. He had a back operation a while ago and stayed with mam to recover. Worked out really well as it wasn't long after that that mam had her operation and Mike was there to help her. He'd do anything for anybody our Mike.

And then last but not least the twin - Yes twins.
This is our Ken and Denise. Ken is the oldest and our Niecy is the younger of the twins. I was 15 when they were born and helped mam look after them. We always remember the time our Ed took them along the shops in their pushchair and came down some steps and they both fell out. Oh they did cry and had cut and bloodied faces poor things. I remember holding our Denise while mam held Ken and I think we were both crying but they were OK. I don't seem them nearly enough and our Niecy is living in America now but she has her blog (pop over and see her she writes some great stuff - her link is at the side of my blog). They would both do anything for you. I have a special bond with my l'il sister and even though she is miles away I know she prays for me, loves me lots and I would just have to ask and she'd do anything she could for me. Ken is the joker of the family, always doing card tricks and telling jokes. He kept us entertained for hours.
As I said, the most beautiful family a girl could have. Am I blessed or am I blessed.

Next installment - coming soon.

Friday, 2 July 2010

What did I do a year ago

That was the question my sister asked on her blog so I took to reading mine from a year ago and here's what it said - not quite the same day mind you but on 30th June 2009 part of what I'd written was

It's another late night for me, I've just been writing my bloggy bit for the KJV site as it was due at the weekend and I'd not written anything, but that done I'm here to say well what a thunder storm we had last night. I wasn't in the cupboard like my mam is when we have a storm but I do close the curtains and just sit quietly, I don't like to watch the lightning and I don't like the noise of the thunder but nor do I like the TV on so I do hear it all and boy was it loud last night and monsoon season had come I think - or maybe my son had been doing his rain dance again as it was mentioned he was coming to do the garden

You can read all of what I wrote here

Well guess what - it's another late night for me but thankfully we have not had a thunder storm although we have had some lovely weather and although it has tried to rain we haven't had much. Once again though my garden is in need of being done. I will pray my son does not do any rain dances and comes to give me a hand. I have to admit, I do actually hate gardening, I don't like the creepy crawly things you see in the soil and well it's just that I can't quite mow the lawn as I'm in agony afterwards due to problems with my neck and shoulders so it tends to be neglected - Maybe it's something I should try to like in 2010 (I'll let you know how I get on).

As this has been another late night I will now take my leave and go to the land of nod. I will leave you with the same question my sister asked on her blog 'What did you do a year ago'? 'night