Saturday 28 August 2010

A long post ....

Well another wet day today but the sun did get out for a time. It's not been a brilliant summer weather wise but we have had some really hot days. It looks as if it's going to start getting a lot colder now as the last couple of mornings have been rather chilly. Still, as promised, I've managed to get pics of some of the things I've done over the holidays so this could end up being a very long post.

At the start of the school holidays I went up to visit mam and the family and as Marc and Sam had come up for a couple of days with the children we spent the Saturday at the Air Show, which was a lovely warm day. Here's a few pics of Ben and Tom enjoying trying their hand at putting on some military headwear.

Ben has a little help adjusting the strap.

Tom decided he could go it alone -

See, I did it but ooh it's a bit heavy for my head now ... Don't worry I'm OK, I've got it balanced - look 2 hands ...Marc showed Ben and Tom how to put a line (or something like that) into the dummy to get it breathing. We had a bit of fun with the 2 paramedics on duty and didn't let on at first that Marc was a paramedic, they were quite impressed when he did it first time, but we had to come clean and tell them that he did know what he was doing.
Being at an airshow would not be complete without at least one picture of an aeroplane - well not quite - but if you look very closely at the top part of the next picture, you will see the red arrows parachuting from their aeroplane ..... yes that's right I missed the aeroplane altogether and I was so far away at the time this was all I saw - I think there were 7 of them and they did land on their mark - I heard the crowd clapping - OK you can stop laughing now Niecy!!!
Olivia was about to fall asleep and even though the noise from the jets was thunderous she did go to sleep and slept through most of it.
Marc and Sam enjoying the day.
Sorry butI had too much fun with the grandchildren for photographs of areroplanes and after a long but enjoyable day we headed back to mams. As I said in my earlier post my 84 year old mam is a keen cook and still bakes pies, especially apple. We got back only to find her in the kitchen - baking applie pies ....

Is that sheep tea cosy cute or what ...
Mam put me to shame so by the end of the 2 weeks I had made some biscuits (cookies) for my grandchildren and with mam's help, mince (meat) pies for my son.
Here's mam giving me instructions on how to roll out the pastry while I was taking her picture - I wasn't rolling it correctly she told me - roll away from you then turn, don't roll backwards and forwards - but she's the expert pastry maker so I followed her instructions.
It worked, just take a look at the next photos - the kids loved the cookies and Marc enjoyed eating the pies - 3 mince (meat) and 2 apple (but not all at once though) ...

My but those cats had scary eyes!!!!
Well I said it was going to be a long post so I hope I haven't bored you - there'll be more to come. Have a good day.

1 comment:

Denise said...

awww, I loved this post sis, love the pics of Mam in her kitchen, I always wish I could be there :) Looks like you all had a great day at the air show, I hear that gets really really packed there, I think I've only been once when it first started years ago! I still remember when it used to be at the back of mam's house and we'd see the red arrows behind the garages and the vulcon bomber which was always my fav :)